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Supporting Facilities

he following facilities and learning materials are available for the convenience of students with disabilities to further enable their study and research experience. Please contact the student disability support representative or the main library student disability representative to request usage.

Equipment Name
Types of Disabilities
Braille Printer (ET)
Electronic Magnifier (Merlin LCD)
Specialize Computer for Disabilities (LG)
Electric Table
Screen Magnification Program (ZoomText 8.1)
Screen Reader Software (Sense Reader)
Laptop Computer (LG X-NOTE)
Portable Reading Magnifier
MP3 (LG)
Electric Wheelchair (Daese M. Care Partner HP-5)
Portable Screen (LIGHT-TM)
LCD Projector (Sindoh & Others)
Specialize Computer for Disabilities(Samsung CT)
Image Enlarger (Samsung CT)
Large CRT (Samsung GT)
Voice Support Software (EVE)
Height Adjustable Electric Table
Support Center for Handicapped students
Tel: 02-3290-1535~7 Update : 2017-10-17